Weeks 9 and 10 of LDN (2.5-3.0ml) – Zombies

I’m pleased to say that the LDN is once again improving my symptoms. I feel I’m back on track with this medicine, both my ME and Fibromyalgia are a bit more under control, and I can do so much more. After my setback a few weeks ago, I was nervous that maybe the effectiveness of…

Week 5 of LDN (1.5ml) – Mucky Paws

It seems I have to make an apology to the funky pink liquid that is Low Dose Naltrexone. My assumptions last week that improvements caused by LDN had plateaued out were unfounded and I should be more grateful to the medicine than I have been. You see, during week four the numbers printed on the…

Week 4 of LDN (1.0ml) – Hounds and Vampires

I’m now in the fourth week of taking LDN (for anyone visiting my blog for the first time, LDN stands for Low Dose Naltrexone and it’s a medicine that is used to help people with autoimmune diseases and related illnesses like ME and Fibromyalgia. There’s lots more information about LDN and how to obtain it…

Week 3 of LDN (1.0ml) – some improvements

I’m three weeks into treatment now. I hadn’t expected to be giving an update again so soon as I’m only a few days into my increased dose. I’ve been noticing some slight improvements in my ME, Fibro and other chronic symptoms which I can’t attribute to anything else, so fingers crossed it’s the LDN. Firstly…

Weeks 1 and 2 of LDN (0.5ml) – possible side effects

I’ve been taking LDN for just two weeks now. It has been prescribed in liquid form with a syringe to fill that I then squirt into my mouth. This way of taking it plus the liquid needing to be kept in the fridge adds a level of faff to taking the medicine especially on my…

Obtaining Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

If you’ve read my previous blog post you’ll know that I’ve decided a medicine called LDN is worth a try to help gradually alleviate my ME and Fibromyalgia symptoms. Obtaining it though, required a lot of detective work. The first thing I needed to do was to wean myself off Tramadol because LDN isn’t compatible with…

Researching Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

For anyone who doesn’t know, Low-dose naltrexone (LDN) is a medication taken at low doses for diseases such as ME, fibromyalgia, HIV and multiple sclerosis.  I came across it while perusing the pages of a great online forum called Foggy Friends.  Foggy Friends has been set up by people living with ME/CFS, for people with ME/CFS and their…

In the beginning there was ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia

In the Spring of 2014, I developed an extraordinary headache.  I consider myself fortunate that I’ve never been a very headachey person – apart from a corking red wine hangover once which I’ll never forget. But this headache was unlike anything I’d experienced before and surpassed the achievements of even the cruellest cheap red plonk….

So why start this blog?

There are a lot of social media groups, forums and personal blogs about chronic illness. In my experience, few of them maintain a positive approach to life with chronic illness. Some try. Not many succeed.  And there are several reasons for this: acquired disability can bring with it depression and a sufferer feels helpless to control…