Weeks 9 and 10 of LDN (2.5-3.0ml) – Zombies

I’m pleased to say that the LDN is once again improving my symptoms. I feel I’m back on track with this medicine, both my ME and Fibromyalgia are a bit more under control, and I can do so much more. After my setback a few weeks ago, I was nervous that maybe the effectiveness of…

Week 5 of LDN (1.5ml) – Mucky Paws

It seems I have to make an apology to the funky pink liquid that is Low Dose Naltrexone. My assumptions last week that improvements caused by LDN had plateaued out were unfounded and I should be more grateful to the medicine than I have been. You see, during week four the numbers printed on the…

Week 4 of LDN (1.0ml) – Hounds and Vampires

I’m now in the fourth week of taking LDN (for anyone visiting my blog for the first time, LDN stands for Low Dose Naltrexone and it’s a medicine that is used to help people with autoimmune diseases and related illnesses like ME and Fibromyalgia. There’s lots more information about LDN and how to obtain it…

Week 3 of LDN (1.0ml) – some improvements

I’m three weeks into treatment now. I hadn’t expected to be giving an update again so soon as I’m only a few days into my increased dose. I’ve been noticing some slight improvements in my ME, Fibro and other chronic symptoms which I can’t attribute to anything else, so fingers crossed it’s the LDN. Firstly…

Weeks 1 and 2 of LDN (0.5ml) – possible side effects

I’ve been taking LDN for just two weeks now. It has been prescribed in liquid form with a syringe to fill that I then squirt into my mouth. This way of taking it plus the liquid needing to be kept in the fridge adds a level of faff to taking the medicine especially on my…

Researching Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

For anyone who doesn’t know, Low-dose naltrexone (LDN) is a medication taken at low doses for diseases such as ME, fibromyalgia, HIV and multiple sclerosis.  I came across it while perusing the pages of a great online forum called Foggy Friends.  Foggy Friends has been set up by people living with ME/CFS, for people with ME/CFS and their…

In the beginning there was ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia

In the Spring of 2014, I developed an extraordinary headache.  I consider myself fortunate that I’ve never been a very headachey person – apart from a corking red wine hangover once which I’ll never forget. But this headache was unlike anything I’d experienced before and surpassed the achievements of even the cruellest cheap red plonk….